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Penn Student Government Public Service Fellowship

Deadline: 04/09/2025 (Tentative)

The Penn Student Government Public Service Fellowship seeks to shift the culture at the University of Pennsylvania around public service by emboldening students to pursue internships, projects, and eventually careers in the field.

Student Exhibition Internship

The Penn Museum offers paid internships to three undergraduate students at Penn to work with Museum staff and create a small exhibition. The year-long internship focuses on the planning, development, design, fabrication, and installation of a small exhibition featured in the Penn Museum. Interns will learn first-hand about the curatorial, content development, administrative, and design aspects of staging an exhibition in a large museum. After the exhibition’s opening, students will implement educational programs and events for the Museum’s public and academic audiences.

Frances Velay Fellowship

Deadline: 03/15/2025 (Tentative)

Funding for undergraduate women in science to conduct a summer research project with a Penn faculty.

SNF Paideia Fellowship

Deadline: 02/12/2025 (Tentative)

The fellowship is a unique, three-year program that bridges students’ academic interests with experiential development of skills essential to becoming an engaged global citizen both while a student at Penn and beyond.

H+U+D Mellon Undergraduate Research Fellows

Deadline: 05/31/2024 (Tentative)

The Humanities + Urbanism + Design Initiative bridges the humanities and design disciplines to promote the integrated investigation of 21st century urbanism and architecture through funding research in this space.

Biomedical Graduate Studies: Summer Undergraduate Internship Program

Deadline: 02/01/2025 (Tentative)

Summer research program at Penn for undergraduates interested in conducting biomedical research with faculty in the Biomedical Graduate Studies group.

Perry World House Student Fellows

Deadline: 02/09/2025 (Tentative)

The Perry World House Student Fellows Program is an experiential learning opportunity for Penn undergraduates interested in collaborating on policy-relevant research projects about global issues.

Asian American Studies (ASAM) Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Deadline: 04/12/2025 (Tentative)

ASAM Undergraduate Research Fellowship is an interdisciplinary program that provides students with comprehensive academic training in archival research, methodology, and theory to enhance their critical thinking and writing skills.

The Water Center at Penn Student Research Support Program

Deadline: 12/08/2024 (Tentative)

The WCP Student Research Support Program provides support for undergraduate research in water science, policy, and sustainability.

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